Monday, December 09, 2024

Fear, in reprise

So, you've been here for a while now
Two and a half years
Of running on fumes

Waiting, resting, recovering, hoping
For a time when you've healed
Enough to move on

From all that has happened before
That you didn't process
That you couldn't

Not that you've been vegetating
But everything you did
Took extra effort

And now, suddenly, there's movement
Of things looking up
A tad too quickly

Things going well may bring in new fears
And you know you can get through
But self doubt arises

It's a little part of you--pesky, persistent
That kept you company earlier
And now lingers

But you've done your work, haven't you?
To look at all your discordant parts
And acknowledge, integrate

Let's do the one thing that has always helped
Breathe, intentionally, slowly, deeply
Synchronize the body and mind

Whatever structure they had before
Had come crashing to the ground
The foundation exposed

We've looked at the ruins, bewildered
But not surprised, and then
We surrendered

Our story wasn't over yet, tough, we knew
So we got up and dusted off
And began to rebuild

This time, slowly, (almost) patiently, kindly
We worked in spurts, we rested
Unhurried, unfettered

We're still working on the foundation
Of whatever this next chapter
Is going to be

The waves of several opportunities
Have been quietly building up
And are now coming ashore

They all look so intimidating, menacing even
But if we notice all the gifts they're carrying
We can remain present and collect them

So, breathe, darling, and let's run across the shore
With those baby steps, gathering the seashells
Like we did way back when

Sunday, October 06, 2024


I haven't missed you much, not really
For the longest time, after you left
All I felt was relief

I'd tried to break up several times before
But you never really left
And when we saw each other again, we knew
The chords hadn't been severed just yet

I knew 'we' had a shelf life, and yet
Or maybe, that's why, I decided to indulge
And let myself be consumed, one last time
Because I knew there's not much left
Of that innocence that each of us is born with

Some use it all up
In their first ever 'relationship'
Some, like me, are able to salvage
Bits and pieces that fall through the cracks
Of relationships that seem to mine chunks
Of that precious resource away

I'm sure there are others
Who are able to shield it within their core
While they lose other aspects of their beings
To 'relationships'

I'm left with this feeling of 'being done'
Like, I have very little left to give
Before I run out of breath

And the longer it takes
For someone special to come along
And be open to giving and receiving
In a language we both understand
The more I find myself eroding away
From that lack of connection

Then, once in a while
I have flashes of you
As I go about my day
Your deep, steady, caring voice going
"Never run the microwave on full power
...for more than a few seconds"
Or some such

And it makes me sit down and surrender
To the deluge of memories
Of you staring at me
Trying to make sense of the puzzle that I am
Of the concern in your voice
As you dispense advice on certain things
Of the tenderness in your touch towards everything
The car, your child, the ash tray, me
The very touch, also firm - so full of care
Held a sense of ownership that's so very rare

Everything about you, with you
Was fragile, though, and felt tentative
Like it could shatter, or be gone, at any moment
Was I not careful enough, or gentle enough

Everything, except that tenderness
It was like a force of nature
The gravity that held 'us' together

As the galaxies of our lives
Move further and further apart
The force grows weaker
But I know now what it takes to hold
The fabric of my universe together

Tuesday, June 13, 2023


Sometimes I read
About my past
In an old
Journal entry

It's like talking
To a friend
Reminiscing about the days
We spent together

There are moments
Of recognition
Epiphanies that arrive
In retrospect

Patterns that went
Unnoticed, back then
Because I was
At the epicenter

Over the years
These conversations
Have guided me
Into the now

My absurd dreams
Leave me in splits
As I think of them
All over again

Things I may have
Completely forgotten
Surprise me, and
Come alive, again

Feelings expressed
On paper
But suppressed
In my body

They sometimes
Make it out
And roll down
My surprised cheeks

I know not
What the future holds
But the past
Has been my friend

Saturday, December 03, 2022

The pleasure in the pain


I find joy

In shedding tears

For the love

That we may never share

In the same way again

Wednesday, September 09, 2020


It's raining right now
Just the way you like it

The heavens are drenching
The path to my home

You can see the vapors rise
As the light falls on the street

Raindrops slide down the leaves
As a stray breeze caresses the tree

The sounds of the monsoon outside
And my erratic heartbeat within

The stage is set for your arrival
Come, let a new story begin

Sunday, September 06, 2020

Lost in finding you

Sometimes I feel
With love
For you

When you love me
I can't quite believe
It's true

When you speak
Stolen from my mind

I can't tell
Are you a reflection
Or are we just
Infinite mirrors

Sunday, April 05, 2020


No matter how busy I may be
No matter all that happens in a day

No matter how many people I meet
No matter all the activities I do

There's always that one moment
That I look forward to
Nay, that I need

When I set aside everything else
No matter how important
Or how critical

To curl up beside you and
Slide under your arm, free or not

To bury my nose
In the side of your neck

And as you bend down
To kiss my forehead

To whisper
In your ear
"Hey! I don't think I'll love you enough, ever!"