Once upon my lifetime
I came across a mirror
Not the glassy kind
Though it reflected well
It was something I carried
Within me for years
But didn't know it existed
Until I chanced upon it
With my eyes closed
It was locked up in
The attic of my mind
And it stood there patiently
Waiting for me
Knowing that I would
Come by some day
And be thrilled
To discover its presence
It showed me
At a glance
The current state
Of my soul
An image
Of what I was
At the time
I found it amusing
So I began
Stopping by frequently
I liked its honesty
Its wisdom and serenity
Over time it grew
To be my friend
To whom I could reach out
Regardless of time and space
While it lasted
It was pure bliss
But then
As it happens
In most relationships
I began to
Take it for granted
Even ignoring it
Once in a while
As I focussed on
All things external
My visits began
To decline in number
And then came a day
When I forgot
How to reach the attic
It took me a while
To realize this
Then came a day
When I was reminded
Of its existence
When I needed the help
It so graciously offered
Only then did I realize
What my ignorance
Had cost me
I pined for my friend
The mirror in the attic
And however tightly
I closed my eyes
I couldn't find
The entrance
In my mind
It's been a long while now
And I'm still trying
Content with the knowledge
That it's there for me
Awaiting the day
When I will find my way
Back to it
Then we'll catch up
Taking off easily
From where we lost touch
It will tell me
From its perspective
All that it observed
About me
In my absence
Yeah, my friend--the mirror
It watches over me
All the time
I will tell it
How much I missed
Being in its company
How I tried to reach out
But suffered a memory lapse
The wise fellow will then
Chuckle and say
I know that too
My dear friend
And then we'll smile
With the happiness
Of being together again
With the satisfaction
Of knowing that
This bond is breakable
Only by death
The mirror continues to exist--it is the soul itself. It's connection with my-perception-of-self breaks when my body breathes its last.
Again, it's the obvious, but somehow felt the need to mention it.
True, and for the lack of evidence against its non-existence after death, and because it is heartening to believe that there is a universal force that organizes the universal chaos, I chose to believe that the soul continues.
Lost in our own worlds, we forget that every incident is a mirror.
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