Friday, June 02, 2006


The early morning dewdrops
Bring freshness into my life
But I tend to ignore them
Burdened with yesterday's failures
And anxious of the days to come

Each day brings a fresh start
A whole new set of opportunities
As an answer to my prayers
But I forget that it's a blessing
And end up taking it for granted

I fail to keep in mind
That each day is just a time frame
No day is different by itself
Unless I make it stand out from the rest

It takes a few minutes of introspection like these
To sit back and reflect, every now and then
About the gifts life has given me
And what I have done with them

I need to constantly remind myself
Especially when I crib about what I lack
That what I have in hand
Is not to be assumed, nor will it stay forever

Whenever I do this kind of self-talk
I find myself better able to cope with any situation
For then, I notice the positive aspects of things
Focus, and build on them, instead of shying away

It's only when I get in touch with my inner self
That the layers of rust are washed away
To reveal the clear, calm divinity
In whose light I can learn and grow

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