Friday, June 02, 2006


When you're too happy for words
And the ones closest to you don't care
What do you do
When they just don't want to look from your point of view
For you it's jubilation time
While they linger around in doubts
Doubts about your capability, your success
They'd ask for proof
And show no excitement about your achievement
They neither appreciate whole-heartedly
Nor share their concern

They allow you to go on with your activities
As if nothing happened
So you keep walking with a heavy heart
And just when you are about to reap the benefits of your hard work
They appear out of nowhere
Only to tie your feet with ropes
Whose control lies in their minds

It is then that you go through a trauma
For you know you love them
And yet you can't sacrifice the possibilities
You know they don't mean harm
They try to play it safe
But end up asking you to put your future at stake

When you're brimming with self-confidence
And they command you to settle for mediocrity
How do you react to such atrocity

It is at this moment that your faith is tested
You have an option to be calm
And look up to the One who plans it all
Smile at Him, and He is bound to melt
The ropes will be loosened, the pressures reduced
You'll be let go, and may walk on to a certain distance

As your dear ones see you take control
As they see you win your battles
They will themselves cut the ropes
And they will draw closer
Not to oppose, not to hold you back
But to support you in every venture
For by now, they will have realized
Your true potential and your strength of character

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