Saturday, May 27, 2006

As we part

As you get ready to go
Tears are bound to flow
You ask me not to show
But I can't do it, you know

Well, thats was past
The shadow of time is cast
Seems like, we've grown up so fast
Bitter things, never last

Now, as you go away
I have a few things to say
I won't keep crying all day
'Coz in my heart, you'll stay

You ask me to keep busy
And not to become lazy
You say things aren't easy
Ou future still looks hazy

This time, I promise you
Everything I will do
I know, the years are few
But I see opportunities in a queue

I'll make use of them
Treat each one like a gem
To make the picture clear
Of our future, my dear

We both, now need to strive
Into darkness, take a dive
To make a bright little hive
And not just survive, but thrive

So let us now part
Of course, not by heart
Let our efforts together nurture
A calm and beautiful future

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