Saturday, May 27, 2006

My green-haired doll

I can't understand what's happening tonight
Words are flowing with all their might

A moment back I was feeling so sleepy
And now I'm wide awake; oh, that's creepy!

All I wanted was to be snoozing
But lo! I ended up writing!?

Well, that's quite a weird situation
Like eating a cake to resist the temptation!!

Now, that reminds me of my dearest doll
Who's got a tuft of green hair, standing tall

She has black beads for eyes
And a nose similar to mice

And though she's all so funny-looking
Why do I like her, you might be wondering

It's her smile, in the first place
Though, it's the only expression on her face

She greets me with arms open wide
And she's always been there by my side

She stares at me mutely, when I drop a little tear
As if to say, "Let go, and give a loud cheer!"

She's taught me how to be a good friend
When to stand erect, and when to bend

With the same plastic face, and a smile that's fake
She can give you attitude, and as well accept a mistake

She doesn't have a life of her own
But, she's made mine better, ever since I've known

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